In Bologna, Milan, Turin, Rome, and Venice we operate by Studio Associato Servizi Professionali Integrati, a Partnership established under the laws of Italy whose principal office is Via della Moscova, 3 Milan 20121. Studio Associato Servizi Professionali Integrati is a Member of Fieldfisher Global, a Swiss Verein. Fieldfisher Global does not provide legal or any other services to clients. Each Fieldfisher Global Verein member accepts liability for the services it provides. Unless explicit written agreement is given no Fieldfisher Verein member is responsible for the errors or omissions of, nor has the authority to obligate or otherwise bind any other Fieldfisher Global Verein member or any member of the Fieldfisher network.
SASPI is registered for the purpose of VAT in Milan under VAT Number 13177810150.