The Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland (the “Commission”) was established by the Government in May 2017 in order to carry out a fundamental review of the role, structures, leadership, management, ethos and culture of policing in Ireland and report back with recommendations and proposals in September 2018.
The Commission is tasked with addressing the structures and management arrangements required for the most effective delivery of policing. Among other thi...
The Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland (the “Commission”) was established by the Government in May 2017 in order to carry out a fundamental review of the role, structures, leadership, management, ethos and culture of policing in Ireland and report back with recommendations and proposals in September 2018.
The Commission is tasked with addressing the structures and management arrangements required for the most effective delivery of policing. Among other things, the Commission’s terms of reference state that it should address policing powers and procedures, breaches of discipline and means of investigating and adjudicating fairly upon complaints against the police.
The terms of reference also state that it should consult widely, including with the public and civic society and any other bodies or individuals it considers appropriate. The website is now live and accepting submissions from individuals and organisations on all issues relevant to the Commission’s terms of reference. The launch of the website is said to be part of a broad consultative exercise being undertaken by the Commission.
Further details about how to make submissions can be found here, and the Commission’s terms of reference can be found here.