The Health and Social Care Professionals Council (“CORU”) is a multi-profession regulator in Ireland with the responsibility for maintaining the professional conduct and registers of a number of professions including, inter alia, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Optometrists.
The registers for both Dietitians and Speech and Language Therapists were officially opened on 31 October 2014. Members of these professions were given a two year period ...
The Health and Social Care Professionals Council (“CORU”) is a multi-profession regulator in Ireland with the responsibility for maintaining the professional conduct and registers of a number of professions including, inter alia, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Optometrists.
The registers for both Dietitians and Speech and Language Therapists were officially opened on 31 October 2014. Members of these professions were given a two year period during which they could register with CORU as either a Dietitian or a Speech and Language Therapist. This two year period ended on 31 October 2016.
As a result, the titles of “Dietitian” and “Speech and Language Therapist” are now protected and a person can only use these titles if they have registered with CORU. Among the obligations placed on registered professionals with either title is the requirement to complete continuing professional development and to adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.
Under the Health and Social Care Act 2005 (as amended), a person who uses a protected title and is not registered with CORU is guilty of a criminal offence attracting a Class A fine and/or a 6 month imprisonment.
Authors: Brian Hammond and Elaine Morrissey