Pursuant to section 25 (1) [1]of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 (the “Act”), the Standards in Public Office Commission (the “Commission”) has published the Regulation of Lobbying Annual Report (the “Report”).
1. Highlights
The Report reviews the Commission’s activities in administering the Act for the 2016 reporting year, highlights of which include:
Operational details and determinations made by the Commission throughout the 2016 reporting year;Information on comm...
Pursuant to section 25 (1) [1]of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 (the “Act”), the Standards in Public Office Commission (the “Commission”) has published the Regulation of Lobbying Annual Report (the “Report”).
1. Highlights
The Report reviews the Commission’s activities in administering the Act for the 2016 reporting year, highlights of which include:
Operational details and determinations made by the Commission throughout the 2016 reporting year;
Information on communications and outreach undertaken by the Commission;
Details of the first legislative review of the Act;
Analysis of registration levels by county.
2. Code of Conduct
The Report also deals with the Code of Conduct to be produced by the Commission. In this regard, Section 16 [2]of the Act provides that the Commission may “produce, and from time to time revise, a code of conduct for persons carrying on lobbying activities with a view to promoting high professional standards and good practice”. The Report outlines that, in light of the recent commencement of the enforcement provisions, the Act is now fully operational. It is therefore the Commission’s view that a sufficient period of time should be permitted for all provisions to be well established before the Commission undertakes to develop a Code of Conduct.
It is anticipated that the Commission will seek to commence research and consultation on the development of a Code of Conduct by the end of this year.
The Report can be accessed here.
Previous McDowell Purcell blogs relating to the Regulation of Lobbying can be accessed here.References:[1]http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2015/act/5/section/25/enacted/en/html#sec25[2]http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2015/act/5/enacted/en/print#sec16