This new guidance comes on foot of the coming into effect of a delegated regulation that has the following as some of its features:
- A prohibition on presentation, labelling or advertising of infant formula and follow-on formula using terms such as ‘humanised’, ‘maternalised’, ‘adapted’, and a requirement that presentation, labelling or advertising of these products provide the necessary information about appropriate use so as not to discourage breast feeding (Article 6(6)).
- A prohibition on nutrition and health claims on infant formula (Article 8). Statements on Docosahexanoic Acid (DHA) (for infant formula) and lactose (for infant formula and follow-on formula) are still permitted (Article 9).
- Enhanced restrictions in relation to the advertising of infant formula including a restriction on advertising of infant formula to publications specialising in baby care and scientific publications only (Article 10).
- Some limited exceptions will apply to infant formula and follow-on formula manufactured from protein hydrolysates until February 2021.
Written by James Gallagher.
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