Andrew Morgan settles mesothelioma claim for a former lagger at GN Haden & Sons limited | Fieldfisher
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Case Study

Andrew Morgan settles mesothelioma claim for a former lagger at GN Haden & Sons limited

An old, abandoned industrial site with rusted metal beams and pipes. A large, cylindrical tank with visible signs of wear and peeling paint stands in the center. The environment looks weathered and neglected, with debris scattered on the floor.
Frederick Hickman started working at G N Haden & Sons Limited in 1953 at the age of 20. He was initially employed as a fitter's mate. By the time he left the company in 1967 he was a fully qualified fitter. Mr Hickman spent the majority of his time being called off-site to repair and maintain boilers in small schools, banks, law firms and churches.

Before any repair work could be carried out Mr Hickman would have to strip the lagging, often using a hammer and chisel before clearing the debris from the floor with a shovel and a broom. The work was often carried out in cramped conditions, without any ventilation or protective clothing. The air would be full of harmful dust, in which Mr Hickman and his team would toil for hours.

In March 2011 Mr Hickman began to get breathless, despite being a non-smoker his whole life. He visited the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich where he had fluid drained from his lungs. He was then referred to Guy's Hospital, Westminster, where he was retained for 1 week for further treatment. He was subsequently diagnosed with mesothelioma which caused his breathlessness, a persistent cough, chest wall discomfort and weight loss. Mr Hickman contacted Andrew Morgan to make investigations in to a potential claim. G N Haden & Sons Limited were well known to Andrew who has sued them successfully a number of times.

Thanks to our comprehensive database and Andrew's specialist knowledge, Andrew was immediately able to identify the relevant insurer and then prove that the defendant ought to have known about the dangers of asbestos exposure and take relevant measures to protect their employee.

Due to his prior experience in pursuing claims against G N Haden & Sons Limited, Andrew managed to obtain specialist evidence and negotiate a global settlement of £128,000 within 7 months.

Mr Hickman said after the case 'I must say that the service i was given from Fieldfisher, and in particular Andrew Morgan who handled my claim and brought it to a very satisfactory conclusion, was absolutely first class.

Contact us

For further information about mesothelioma claims, please call Andrew Morgan on 0330 460 6737 or email


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