Five-figure settlement for family man | Fieldfisher
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CICA claim: five-figure settlement for family man assaulted while playing darts

A set of six black-and-white brain MRI scans, arranged in two rows of three, showing cross-sectional images of the human brain. Each image displays different levels of brain structure detail, highlighting various regions and patterns within the brain.
Rebecca Drew secured a five-figure settlement in a CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority) claim on behalf of AN.

Shortly before Christmas, 57-year-old AN was assaulted on a night out while playing darts in his local club. As a result of the incident, he suffered a fractured skull, a brain injury that resulted in permanent loss of smell and taste and psychological injury. AN is married with two children.

AN was admitted to Eastbourne District Hospital. On arrival he was semi-conscious. A CT confirmed a skull fracture and a bleed on the brain. The same evening he was transferred to RSCH Brighton and admitted to the neurosurgery ward for further observations.

AN remained in hospital for two weeks before he was discharged home to begin his recovery. His physical recovery was very slow and behavioural changes, particularly mood-related changes began to show. AN was assessed by a neuropsychologist who confirmed the brain injury had impacted his cognitive ability and social functioning. Almost two years post-injury, AN still suffers the effects.

AN's life and the life of his family has been irreversibly changed. He was working full-time as a manual labourer and preparing for retirement. The extent of his injury has forced him to seek alternative employment and rely on his wife for daily assistance.

The award was made under the CICA 2012 scheme.

For further information about brain injury claims and CICA claims, please call Rebecca Drew on 0330 460 680 or email


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