Tom, who was 55 at the time of his death, lived in Rhyl with his wife Claire.
Tom left school when he was 15 to work at a local supermarket. He worked there for a year and after that he had a number of jobs, including a trainee chef, working in a hotel and at a holiday camp in North Wales. He also worked on a number of construction sites.
In 1974 he began working for TAC Construction Materials Ltd as a general factory worker. The company was the biggest producer of asbestos and manufactured asbestos sheeting.
Tom was exposed to asbestos during his work at the factory. He left the company to work at a different factory for a number of years before becoming self employed.
Many years later in 2009, he became very ill with chest pains. Tom was diagnosed with mesothelioma in March 2009. Tom had to stop working due to his condition.
Tom instructed Field Fisher Waterhouse to pursue a mesothelioma claim against his former employers.
The company, TAC Construction came within the T&N Scheme and therefore a claim under the scheme was pursued for Tom. The scheme paid compensation up to the maximum valuation under the scheme in the sum of £275,000.
When Fieldfisher were instructed, the scheme was only paying 77% of every claim for exposure after October 1969 but by the time that the claim was put together and expert evidence obtained they had agreed to pay the full 100% to the maximum value under the scheme, £275,000.
Unfortunately Tom died before the claim was concluded and his wife continued the claim after his death.
Dushal Mehta was able to settle the claim for £275,000.
Contact us
For further information about mesothelioma claims, please call Dushal Mehta on 03304606751 or email
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