Judgment entered against Hillingdon Hospital in cerebral palsy claim | Fieldfisher
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Case Study

Judgment entered against Hillingdon Hospital in cerebral palsy claim

We have secured an admission of liability and obtained Judgment for Henry and his family, following his birth at Hillingdon Hospital on 12 August 2012.

Henry's mother, Lucy, attended Hillingdon Hospital on 09 August 2012 for a routine ante-natal appointment. Due to concerns about a lack of fetal growth she was admitted for induction of labour. A pessary was inserted later that day but had little effect and therefore on 11 August 2012, with Lucy still only 2cm dilated, she was transferred to the labour ward for artificial rupture of her membranes and use of syntocinon to try and speed up the labour process. During the course of the following day, Lucy was left alone without any support or care from the midwifery team. During this time she started to contract more and more regularly, and more worryingly, the CTG trace which helps determine the health of the baby, showed reduced variability for a sustained period of time, a sign that the baby might be in distress and that urgent delivery is required. In spite of this, on further reviews by the midwifery team, no action was taken and it was not until she was reviewed by a doctor at 21:30 on 12 August 2012 that an urgent plan for a Caesarean Section was finally made.

Henry was born at 22:10. He was limp and not breathing. His Apgar scores, which measured his condition at birth, were one out of ten at one minute, five minutes and ten minutes; in other words, Henry was very unwell. After 20 minutes of resuscitation Henry's colour improved and he was subsequently transferred to University College London Hospital for cooling. Henry was eventually discharged home on 04 September 2012.

Mark Bowman was instructed to investigate a claim against Hillingdon Hospital and having obtained all of Henry and Lucy's medical records instructed experts in midwifery, obstetrics, paediatric neurology, neonatology and neuroradiology to examine the case. Proceedings were served on Hillingdon Hospital who admitted liability for causing Henry's injuries and sent a letter of apology to his family for their failure to adequately care for him.

Judgement was entered on Henry's behalf and the claim has now been stayed until such time as Henry is a little older so that the true extent of the damage caused to him can be assessed. An interim payment of damages has been paid in the meantime.

Upon Judgement being entered, Henry's father commented:

"I would like to thank Mark and his team for their professionalism, they have kept us fully informed throughout this claim and made every step of the way as easy as possible with what was a difficult situation for our family. I would not hesitate in recommending their service."

Contact us

For further information about cerebral palsy claims and medical negligence claims, please call Mark Bowman on 03304606794 or email mark.bowman@fieldfisher.com.


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