Peter worked in the maintenance team and was responsible for ensuring the boilers and pipes in his employer's buildings were well-maintained. They were lagged with asbestos insulation.
Peter would have to remove the asbestos insulation when the boilers were inspected. Sometimes he smashed it off the pipes, which created dust that covered his face and clothes. He would also saw up new lagging to replace the old sections. He often worked in confined spaces and could not avoid breathing in the dust. Although his employers gave him overalls, boots and shirts, he was not given a mask or warned about the dangers of working with asbestos.
After he retired, Peter was keen to stay active. He swam 20 lengths five times per week. He also enjoyed hiking, and climbed a 2000ft peak in Somerset with his son in October 2010. He also visited many places around the world with his wife and was enjoying his retirement.
Around Christmas 2010, Peter started to feel unwell. He found he was getting breathless and found it hard to eat or drink. Eventually, he couldn't walk across the road without gasping for air. He went to the doctor and a diagnosis of mesothelioma was confirmed in March 2011. He was given Fieldfisher's contact details by the hospital and he contacted us straight away.
Peter Williams took on Peter's case on a "hurry up" basis to try to obtain compensation quickly. He immediately started proceedings in the High Court against the employers responsible for Peter's illness. Eventually, Peter Williams was able to negotiate a settlement without having to go to trial. Peter's employers offered to pay him £125,000 for the illness he had suffered as a result of their negligence, which he was happy to accept.
After the case Peter said:
"Myself and my wife cannot thank you enough for your support and care in relation to my claim. Without your knowledge and support over the last ten months we would never have received the payment due to us".
Contact us
For further information about mesothelioma claims, please call Peter Williams on 03304606805 or email
- You can speak to our asbestos disease lawyers on freephone 0800 358 3848
- email us:
- Complete the short online enquiry form
All enquiries are completely free of charge and we will investigate all funding options for you including no win, no fee.