Charity skydive raises money for AvMA | Fieldfisher
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Charity skydive raises money for AvMA

Sam Critchley and Mark Bowman did a charity skydive for Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) on Sunday 29 July to raise money for them as part of their 25th anniversary. In doing so, they have so far raised £1255 for AvMA, and lived to tell the story. Sam and Mark are solicitors in the Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Group at Fieldfisher.

Sam and Mark are shown below post-jump (Mark looking fetching in hat!), pictured alongside Peter Walsh, Chief Executive of AvMA, and with the rest of the group who took part in the charity skydive.

AvMA is an independent charity which promotes better patient safety and justice for people who have been affected by a medical accident. You can find out more information on activities taking place to raise awareness of the charity by clicking here.

Sam in full flight

Mark in full flight

Sam with Peter Walsh, Chief Executive of AvMA

Mark with Peter Walsh, Chief Executive of AvMA

Sam and Mark with the other skydivers