Alan Rickman was a wonderful Patron at "Saving Faces".
He launched the Saving Faces' National Research Centre in November 2014. This Centre will improve the physical and emotional treatment for all people suffering facial disease or injury worldwide. He was moved listening to patients who spoke about the results of the Centre's research, what it could have done to help them and how it will now help future patients.
Alan Rickman had been a Patron since Saving Faces started in 2000. Professor Iain Hutchison described him as "A gentle supportive presence with us at all times and we will miss him immensely."
The Phoenix Cinema in Finchley have offered to host a screening of "Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves" on Sunday 24 January 2016 at 12:00 noon. This is in memory of Patron Alan Rickman and Professor Hutchison will be there to introduce the film. 50% of all proceeds will be donated to Saving Faces.