Client Sarah Heanaghan features in APIL's Rebuilding Shattered Lives Campaign | Fieldfisher
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Client Sarah Heanaghan features in APIL's Rebuilding Shattered Lives Campaign

Personal injury client Sarah Heanaghan, who features on Fieldfisher's website describing her amazing recovery from an horrific road collision, has taken part in the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers' campaign to generate empathy and understanding for injured people and their need and right to claim recompense.

Rebuilding Shattered Lives campaign

APIL, for which Jill Greenfield acts as Treasurer, says it is vital to highlight the needs of injured people ahead of any legal reform and that too often there are negative perceptions about compensation.

APIL’s aim is to reverse any such perceptions and protect the principles of personal injury law and to put victims at the heart of policy-making.

The Rebuilding Shattered Lives campaign provides injured people with a voice and a place to tell the story of their journey towards recovery with the support of an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Sarah, who was knocked off her bike and dragged under the wheels of an HGV in East London in 2017, describes feeling terrified when she was eventually released home in a wheelchair from the Royal London hospital, not knowing how she was going to cope with everyday life, not least being unable to work.

It was only once she had instructed Jill Greenfield and Jennifer Buchanan that she received interim financial support, an expert and dedicated rehabilitation package and help finding suitable accommodation. Her case went on to settle for a seven figure sum.

When her story was shared on APIL's Facebook page, Sarah received an outpouring of sympathy, support and praise for her courage. Sarah's Fieldfisher video has so far been seen by more than 6,000 people on Facebook and Instagram.

Sarah describes the support from her lawyers as 'crucial' and that she really felt she had people 'fighting in her corner'. She has gone on to make a remarkable recovery.