Newly released figures show that in 2011 more cyclists were killed on London's roads than at any time in the past decade and that there was a nearly 25% increase in pedestrian fatalities. 16 cyclists lost their lives in total, 9 due to turning lorries.
Mark Bowman, Senior Associate in FFW's catastrophic injury team commented "These statistics are worrying. More needs to be done to make London's roads safer. The fact that 9 cyclists were killed by turning lorries is of particular concern. With more people being encouraged to travel to work by bicycle, and with numbers of cyclists likely to rise during the busy period of the Olympics, it is of paramount importance that the government tackle this issue immediately."
Jill Greenfield, partner and Mark Bowman, senior associate, specialise in cycling claims. A keen cyclist, Mark has written about the legal issues surrounding cycling and cycling claims for a number of publications.
To read more about the story click this link to an article in the Evening Standard.
Click this link to read more about cycling accident claims.