Field Fisher Waterhouse hosts Annual Spring Brain Injury Social Work Group Conference | Fieldfisher
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Field Fisher Waterhouse hosts Annual Spring Brain Injury Social Work Group Conference

Law firm, Fieldfisher has hosted the Annual National Spring Conference of the Brain Injury Social Work Group (BISWG). The conference, entitled ‘Snakes and Ladders: The Challenges of Commissioning for Brain Injury Services’, was held at the Royal Society of Medicine in Wimpole Street on 25th April.

The conference centred on commissioning, a process that is about enhancing quality of life for patients, service users and their carers but which leaves many of the professionals involved very frustrated. The event covered current and future commissioning processes across health and social care, aspects of the litigation process and service user choice as well as looking at strategic development plans in ABI services. The speakers outlined the likely future impact of new initiatives including individual budgets, joint commissioning, the London Specialist Neurorehabilitation Service; and made references in particular to the National Service Framework for Long Term Conditions and the Commissioning Framework for Health and Wellbeing.

Over 160 delegates attended the conference from organisations such as The Children's Trust, Maudsley Hospital, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Care UK, Headway, East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust and Liverpool Social Services. Professionals offering a range of services were also in attendance including those from legal and financial services and independent agencies.

Luke Clements solicitor and Reader in Law perceptively summarised the morning session using his extensive knowledge of NHS and Community Care law and took many interesting questions for the panel whilst Headway's Chief Executive, Peter McCabe, chaired with equal discipline the afternoon session at which further very pertinent questions were raised.  Fieldfisher personal injury partner Jill Greenfield gave a presentation entitled “Commissioning through Litigation: Saving the Public Purse” which was highly topical and stimulated considerable legal and ethical debate about various aspects of social care funding.

A range of other speakers presented at the conference, including Professor Tom McMillan, who spoke on the acquired brain injury strategy in Greater Glasgow, and Professor Lynne Turner-Stokes DM FRCP, who spoke on healthcare resource groups and banded tariffs for rehabilitation.

Patti Simonson, the Chair of BISWG said: “The conference was a great success and I would like to thank all those involved including Fieldfisher who have been unstinting in their work for this event. Commissioning is a difficult issue and many professionals in this area can be frustrated by the seemingly endless pieces of paper and forms involved. The inspiring speakers who gave us the benefit of their knowledge and experience left the audience with a renewed confidence that they could achieve the aim of placing the people that matter at the centre of commissioning.”

For further information, please contact Jill Greenfield on 0330 460 6778.