This follows the publication of the Health Protection Agency’s report into the outbreak which came out earlier this week.
Both of the twins, now aged three, suffered kidney failure and spent weeks in hospital after being infected with E.Coli 0157. Todd now has only 80% kidney function and Aaron’s is just 64%. Aaron still uses a feeding tube for ingesting liquids and both may need kidney transplants in the future.
The twins mother Tracy Mock has instructed Jill Greenfield, personal injury partner at Field Fisher Waterhouse, to bring the claim in the High Court. The claim is for damages for personal injury and consequential loss.
Fieldfisher represents 17 families including 25 children and one adult. The twins cases have been issued on as lead cases. The others, it is expected, will be added to the litigation at a later stage.
>>>Read the latest BBC news on the story |
For further information or if you believe you have an E Coli legal claim, please contact
Jill Greenfield on 0330 460 6778 or email