Head of serious injury Jill Greenfield told the Sunday Times that women who have made claims of misconduct against the hedge fund manager Crispin Odey could seek legal redress against him and his firm Odey Asset Management.
Following 13 claims of alleged sexual harassment over 25 years, the company has removed its founder in an attempt to stabilise the business. Mr Odey has denied the accusations.
Jill said that if there have been assaults or harassment of some kind, the victims will have suffered some harm. If the women can prove their cases, they could consider bringing such claims.
There is usually a three-year limitation on bringing such claims, but Jill explained that can be extended if it can be demonstrated that the victim wasn't able to pursue the claim because of the harm that they’ve suffered.
Odey was previously cleared of allegations of indecent assault in a court case in 2021. He admitted to propositioning the woman but said he had not assaulted her.
Odey Asset Management said it had “robust policies and procedures that have been followed at all times”.
The Sunday Times said that it has been reported that the firm warned Odey about his conduct in 2021 and had
required him to speak to women only about work-related topics. The Financial Conduct Authority, the City regulator, is said to have been investigating claims of non-financial misconduct atvthe firm since 2021.
Jill previously won a ground-breaking civil claim on behalf of woman was awarded record damages of £259,000 in the High Court. Amanda Lawson was repeatedly raped by the deceased millionaire computer tycoon, Christopher Dawes. Nearly eight years after the events, the court accepted Miss Lawson’s account of events and compensated her for her ordeal.
Jill also represented victims of sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein.
Read more about pursuing a sexual assault claim and hear from a client how reporting assault changed her life.