Mark Bowman acted for John who was knocked off his bike and ran over by a lorry on 7 June 2010.
John suffered an unstable fracture to his pelvis, fractures to his left ribs, a fracture of the 4th right metacarpal, a collapsed lung, significant internal bleeding and various soft tissue injuries. His condition was deemed critical.
We were instructed to pursue a claim against the lorry driver and his employer. Liability was denied throughout the claim and a trial was listed for May 2012.
The defendants argued that John was responsible for his own injuries as he had failed to note the lorry indicating, and placed himself in a position of danger. The defendants provided witness evidence from the driver of the vehicle behind the lorry, who claimed the lorry was indicating prior to moving off.
We obtained witness evidence from a cyclist on the other side of the road who confirmed that the lorry had not been indicating at any stage. We also obtained expert evidence from an orthopaedic surgeon, a plastic surgeon, a psychiatrist and a pancreatic surgeon and we were able to settle John's claim for £90,000.