Mrs Aston and their three children visited the Weldmar hospice in Dorchester nearly a year after Roy's death to present staff with the funds recovered as part of a settlement against his former employer.
Mr Aston died from mesothelioma last October aged 81 after he was diagnosed with the asbestos-related cancer nine months earlier. Roy was exposed to the fatal dust during his 40-year career as a builder and carpenter working around Dorset. He was diagnosed with mesothelioma on Christmas Eve, 2019, at Dorset County Hospital.
The Astons instructed Shaheen to investigate a claim against Roy's former employers, W.F. Dickinsons (Dorset) Ltd and Roger Burrage & Co Ltd. Shaheen was able to settle the claim for nearly £160,000, which included the Weldmar's costs.
Patricia Aston told the Dorset Echo, which covered the story:
"The nurses and staff at Weldmar gave such good care to Roy and it's so nice to be able to give something back, especially as they don't receive that much money and haven't been able to do their fundraising during the pandemic.
"What happened to Roy was so awful. It was terrible watching him waste away with such a horrible disease but I am so glad he pushed me to make the negligence claim."
Matt Smith, director of fundraising and marketing at Weldmar, said: "We are so grateful to Patricia for giving this money to us. We lost 80 per cent of our income when the pandemic hit and this money will go straight to providing care to our other service users."
Shaheen said that she was very pleased to be able to help Patricia present the money to the hospice. "Reclaiming hospice costs is now something we try to do in all our mesothelioma claims on behalf of clients."
Find out more about mesothelioma claims.