National Brain Injury Conference 2013 - 30 October 2013 | Fieldfisher
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National Brain Injury Conference 2013 - 30 October 2013

The National Brain Injury Conference, sponsored by Field Fisher Waterhouse, is being held on 30 October 2013. Speakers include FFW partner Jill Greenfield, Professor McKay Sohlberg from the University of Oregon, Professor Jennie Ponsford from Monash University, Professsor Huw Williams from the University of Exeter, and Dr Ivan Pitman from the Disabilities Trust's Foundation.

This one day conference will look at advances in cognitive rehabilitation and how to provide patients with the best and most efficient outcomes. All of the care pathway will be discussed by a range of professionals, from specialist care within forensic settings to outreach support in the community. Finally, the conference will look at the influences on outcomes, bringing in best practice from overseas.

For those working in brain injury as a clinician, commissioner, case manager or legal professional, this event will help you to understand the issues you and other professionals are faced with as you find the right balance between reducing length of stay and enhancing service user recovery.

The event is being held at the East Midlands Conference Centre and you can find a programme of events here.