The UK's disgraceful legacy | Fieldfisher
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The UK's disgraceful legacy

Close-up image of intertwined fibers with a purple hue, resembling a textile or fibrous material. The textures vary from fine strands to thicker, more tangled threads, creating a complex and intricate pattern throughout the image.
To mark 40 years since Fieldfisher first fought for a client affected by mesothelioma, the Industrial Disease Team shares key moments.

A stark report in the Sunday Times questions why the Government is not doing more to remove asbestos still sitting like a time bomb in buildings across the UK, reminding us that asbestos cancers are still the UK's biggest work-related killers, causing more than 5,000 deaths annually. - despite asbestos use completely banned in the UK in 1999.

According to think tank ResPublica, there are still six million tonnes of asbestos in around 1.5m buildings in the UK. Alarmingly, these include 90 per cent of hospitals and about 80 per cent of schools, as well as in any number of homes built pre-1999.

Last year, Parliament's work and pensions committee investigated how the Health and Safety Executive  (HSE) deals with asbestos and made several recommendations. Top of the list was that the UK should embark on a 40-year programme to remove all asbestos from public buildings, plus that a national database of the location and condition of asbestos should be developed to make site checks easier and safer for workers.

The Government rejected both proposals, suggesting asbestos that is sealed and intact, painted over or inside walls is safer left alone. The idea of the database was rejected because of the cost and effort it would take to produce, and that more public information about the risk would not necessarily lead to improved health and safety performance.

The response from campaigners is that the Government would rather not know how bad the problem is, with the HSE unhelpfully adding that building owners already have a legal duty to record where asbestos is present, and that developing a central register would be expensive, complicated and unlikely to add to the current system.

It is to our shame that European countries are accepting the need to remove asbestos much better than the UK, despite Britain being one of Europe's biggest importer of asbestos and with more mesothelioma cases per head than any other nation.  Part of the reason behind this terrible statistic is the UK's historical links with South Africa that meant we imported large amounts of brown asbestos from that country, now known as particularly lethal.

The North American Association of Central Cancer Registries cites Great Britain as 'the epicentre of mesothelioma incidence in Europe', with the highest age-adjusted mortality rate in the world, at 18.36 per million people.

It is a disgraceful legacy.

Meanwhile, we continue to take instruction from people exposed to asbestos in schools and hospitals and can only lobby, and hope, that eventually a government will see sense and react accordingly to these undisputable and terrible data.

Read about our claims on behalf of people affected by mesothelioma.