Graeme Nuttall OBE and Penny Wotton discuss the latest charity update - 1 October 2019
30 September 2019
Making Tax Digital – make sure that your charity is ready
The Charity Tax Group advises that your preparations should be well advanced.
Charity Tax Group
24 September 2019
Reporting charity fraud and working together to prevent it
The Charity Commission reports how they are improving the process for reporting fraud and what charities can do to protect themselves from harm.
The Charity Commission
24 September 2019
New guidance supports charities to campaign with confidence all year-round
The Electoral Commission publishes new guidance for non-party campaigners.
The Electoral Commission
24 September 2019
HMRC research with Scottish charities
The Scottish Charity Regulator reports that it is co-operating with HMRC on a piece of research that aims to help inform the support that HMRC offers to charities around topics such as Gift Aid and tax relief.
13 September 2019
Plans to ensure the charity accounting framework better serves the public
The Charities SORP-making body sets out plans to change the way the charity accounting framework is developed.
The Charity Commission
11 September 2019
If your charity last did an annual return before 12 November 2018
The Charity Commission reminds charities that if they have not submitted an annual return online since 12 November 2018, they will need to do things differently.
The Charity Commission