Alison Dennis for the UK aspects, Cord Willhoeft for the German aspects, Olivier Lantrès and Sébastien Pradeau for the French aspects jointly coordinated and ran the session.
This seminar was a good opportunity to discuss the application of the anti-kickback and transparency requirements in the UK, and Germany and also in France. For people working in the health industry, making their way through the APBI code, the "Gesetz gegen Korruption im Gesundheitswesen" and article L. 4113-6 of the French public health code can be difficult. However, hopefully this seminar has given the attendees essential clarification for use in applying and interpreting these different regulations.
We received very positive comments post event:
"Tranparency and kick-back can be time-consuming & confusing to keep up to date with every topic. This presentation largely covered the key areas providing me with a refresher of the basics and a look ahead to future developments in France, UK and Germany. Congratulations!"
"Thanks for this clear overview concerning these three countries. It was really very interesting"
"I wanted to thank you for inviting us to this morning seminar. We were delighted to attend and the content was highly instructive. Again, thanks and congratulations to the team for this second successful and relevant session"
"Thank you for this useful update"
" Very interesting round table + nice performance. Thank you"