From 6 April 2016, there will be a simpler way to remove a director's details from the Companies House register if they have not, in fact, consented to act and Companies House will have power to change a company's registered office if there is a complaint that the company is not authorised to use that address.
Where a company has filed information at Companies House about the appointment of a director, but the person appointed denies that he has consented to act as a director of that company, he will be able to apply to Companies House to have the information about his appointment removed. Companies House will notify the company, which will then have 28 days to provide evidence of the person's consent to act. If no such evidence is supplied, the information about his appointment will be removed.
Companies House will be given power to change a company's registered office on receipt of a complaint that the company is not authorised to use that address. Unless it considers the complaint to have no reasonable prospect of success, Companies House will notify the company and invite it to provide evidence. If the company does not change its registered office or provide adequate evidence of its authority to use the address (such as evidence of a proprietary interest), Companies House will change its registered office to a PO Box at Companies House. This is intended to be a temporary measure and the company will be expected to change its registered office to a suitable address (and may be required to provide evidence of its authority to use the new address). If the company does not respond or communicate with the Registrar, then the Registrar may conclude that the company is no longer in business and move to strike it off the register.