EU Regulatory Bulletin contents
- Plant Protection Products
- Reach: ECHA updates two key guidance documents
- Reach: SVHC roadmap
- Reach: CORAP conclusions
The conclusions of the first four substance evaluations under the REACH Community Rolling Action Plan (CORAP) have been published by ECHA on 26 November 2013. The discussion resulted in the following evaluations by the designated Member States:
- Austria evaluated ethylene oxide and concluded that community-level agreement is needed on the carcinogenic potential of the substance.
- Hungary evaluated tributyl phosphate and concluded that there is no need for any additional risk management measures.
- Poland evaluated M-tolylidene diisocyanate and found risks to be appropriately controlled.
- Finland evaluated toluene and concluded that the EU indicative occupational exposure limit should be reconsidered by the Commission's Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits.
Since the above mentioned Member States decided not to ask for any further information on these substances, a draft decision was not prepared. Nevertheless, follow –up actions were proposed when necessary.