EU Regulatory Bulletin contents
- Data on in-situ biocidal generated substances
- ECHA launches comparison service
- Maximum levels for pesticides
- ECJ judgment on REACH regulation
- Interaction during substance evaluation
- Manufacturer REACH responsibilities
- Candidate List for authorisation
- RoHS2 restricted substances
On 5 February 2014 the European Commission published its final report on the list of restricted substances under the RoHS2 Directive which controls hazardous chemicals in electrical and electronics equipment (EEE). The report was drafted by the Austrian Environment Agency (UBA) and sets out:
- A methodology and manual for reviewing substances to be added to Annex II and restricted under RoHS;
- An EEE substance list along with a further inventory of chemicals that may pose risks to the environment or workers during the management of waste; and
- Detailed assessments of four substances, including hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) and the phthalates DEHP, BBP and DBP, which are already prioritised for addition to Annex II of RoHS2 in 2014.
The report proposes that additional substances should be reviewed for restriction on a four year basis. However, if an EU Member State proposes the addition of a chemical to Annex II within the first two years of the four year period then a mid-term review should be initiated. The report also suggests the formation of a 12 member group of stakeholders from Member States, NGOs, consultancies and industry to review the adjustment of the RoHS review process to REACH developments and to work on the availability of relevant data. The European Commission is due to present proposals on the RoHS2 substance review process and restrictions for priority substances in summer 2014.
A link to the final report is below.
Study for the Review of the List of Restricted Substances under RoHS2