Fieldfisher Tax and Structuring Partner Graeme Nuttall OBE has been elected as Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, Oxford.
Graeme has a career-long involvement in employee ownership policy making and research.
As well as his role in the tax team at Fieldfisher, Graeme is an Executive Fellow at Rutger’s Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing, a Fellow of Ownership at Work, a trustee of the Institute for the Future of Work and chair of several employee ownership trust (EOT) trustee companies.
Kellogg College is the University of Oxford's most international and interdisciplinary college, advocating lifelong learning.
On receiving his Fellowship, Graeme said:
“It is a tremendous honour to become a senior member of Kellogg College. I look forward to contributing to College life as a student advisor and supporting the Oxford Centre for Mutual and Co-owned Business, as it works to develop better academic and public understanding of mutual and employee-owned models.”
Graeme is already contributing to a Centre for Mutual and Co-owned Business research project on how and to what extent Sovereign Wealth Fund investment in co-operative, mutual and co-owned business might enhance social and environmental sustainability.
Kellogg President, Prof Jonathan Michie said of Graeme’s appointment:
"It is tremendous to have Graeme as a Visiting Fellow at Kellogg - important work is being done across the University on how companies might contribute better towards social and environmental sustainability, and Graeme is well placed to contribute significantly to this joint endeavour."
Graeme has worked with the UK government in various roles, including as a Cabinet Office Mutuals Ambassador and as its voluntary independent advisor on employee ownership.
It was in this latter role that Graeme produced Sharing Success: The Nuttall Review of Employee Ownership (BIS, 2012), which made 28 recommendations under three key themes: raising awareness of employee ownership; increasing the resources available to support employee ownership; and reducing the complexity of employee ownership.
The UK government accepted, partly accepted, or supported all the Nuttall Review recommendations. The Nuttall Review is recognised as the catalyst for the significant growth in the number of UK employee-owned companies over the last decade and also with raising awareness internationally of the employee ownership business model.
Graeme is also a Research Associate at The Oxford Centre for Mutual and Co-owned Business based at Kellogg. The Centre exists to develop and compile research on mutual and co-owned corporate forms, and to act as an academic hub for economists, sociologists, political scientists, lawyers and business and management scholars, with an interest in broadening debates about ownership and corporate governance.
Graeme received an OBE in the Queen’s 2014 Birthday Honours for services to employee share plans, public service mutuals and employee ownership.