Litigation is expensive, uncertain and inherently risky. Global economic conditions have increased pressure on legal budgets and commercial clients increasingly demand flexible charging structures that suit their individual needs and circumstances.
Litigation funding rules in England and Wales changed fundamentally on 1 April 2013, enabling lawyers now to share to a greater extent than ever before the cost risks of litigation with their clients. The most radical change is the introduction of Damages Based Agreements ("DBAs") which have become available for the first time in this country.
The market place is changing and so are we. We have launched FeeSolve, our risk management and litigation funding package for commercial claims which offers clients a range of funding options that can be adapted to suit their individual needs and requirements. The options include DBAs as well as other forms of alternative funding arrangements.
Click here to watch our video which provides a short introduction to our unique approach to litigation costs. Further details can be found in the FeeSolve brochure.