Few areas of business are more highly regulated than the business of lending to individuals. Anyone lending or providing credit to an individual borrower, or seeking to obtain security from an individual, must consider numerous regulatory aspects, and should take advice from a suitably experienced lawyer.
This briefing paper sets out some of the relevant legislation, issues and other factors that a lender should consider in financing transactions involving individuals. This paper is aimed at lenders in the private wealth sphere. It does not consider all the legislation and regulations and other factors to be taken into account by lenders offering retail banking services to individual customers or in relation to consumer hire.
This briefing paper sets out some of the relevant legislation, issues and other factors that a lender should consider in financing transactions involving individuals. This paper is aimed at lenders in the private wealth sphere. It does not consider all the legislation and regulations and other factors to be taken into account by lenders offering retail banking services to individual customers or in relation to consumer hire.