We are pleased to announce that SnIPpets now comes in a Blog format, complete with a new subscription service.
We have been distributing SnIPpets newsletters for a number of years. However, by moving to a blog format, you will have more control over the information you receive from us.
Subscribing to our SnIPpets Blog will deliver all the latest Intellectual Property news, opinions and developments straight to your inbox. You can choose to receive instant updates or a weekly or quarterly digest of blog posts.
Click here to visit our SnIPpets Blog, where you will see the 'Subscribe to our blog' box below. To receive regular notifications of our blog posts, simply fill in your email address, select your preferred frequency of alerts and click Subscribe!
SnIPpets will continue to share our views and insights on the latest developments in Trade Marks, Designs, Patents, Domain names and Copyright, both in the UK and Europe. We will consider the practical impact of these developments for businesses across all industries and their strategies for protecting intellectual property.
Over the past few weeks, we have covered the Adwords litigation, jurisdiction of the English court for foreign designations of a European Patent, the abuse of rights in invalidity actions on absolute grounds, the scope of damages claims for derived products and concern over the licensing of orphan works.
For our latest quarterly digest please click here.
We hope that you will find our Blog an informative and enjoyable read. However, we continue to welcome any feedback on the content or form of SnIPpets.