TMF Business Breakfast "Crowdfunding, Crowdinvesting and Crowd Bonds - Effects and Opportunities of the new Prospectus Law" | Fieldfisher
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TMF Business Breakfast "Crowdfunding, Crowdinvesting and Crowd Bonds - Effects and Opportunities of the new Prospectus Law"




Crowdfunding and crowd investing play a pioneering regulatory role among FinTech's individual application areas

Tech meets Finance Business Breakfast
"Crowdfunding, Crowdinvesting and Crowd Bonds - Effects and Opportunities of the new Prospectus Law"

When: 24 May 2019, 08:30 pm

Where: Fieldfisher Frankfurt, TurmCenter, Eschersheimer Landstr. 14, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Crowdfunding and crowd investing have a pioneering regulatory role among the individual application areas of FinTech - the only concrete regulatory proposal contained in the European FinTech Action Plan published by the European Commission is the "Proposal for a Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Enterprises". A first European Parliament reading on the Commission proposal (available here) was held in March 2019. These activities are flanked by the new Prospectus Law, which is already being used intensively by leading market participants to issue crowd bonds.

In this context, there are completely new options for the conception of investment products, which we would like to take as an opportunity to continue our Tech meets Finance Event series.


1. Contractual relationships under private law in crowdfunding and crowdfunding investments

2. The concept of the European FinTech Action Plan

3. Effects of the EU Prospectus Regulation in the context of the Capital Market Union

4. The historically first approval procedures at the BaFin for WIBs: Dogmatic peculiarities, dos and dont's

5. Trends and new options in product conception


Dr. Khanh Dang Ngo, General Counsel at Exporo

He will give an overview of his practice with regard to the issue of crowd bonds and the historically first approval procedures for securities information sheets at BaFin.

Dr. Thorsten Voß, Partner Fieldfisher

He will speak on the other items on the agenda.

The breakfast will be well taken care of. Please register early, as the number of participants is limited. We are looking forward to your visit! Click here to register.