We all know that January 1st 2021 is a significant date. That is when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is no longer a party to European Union legislation, rules and agreements. So, what is actually going to happen on that day and how do businesses prepare for it?
The video below explains very clearly what is a very complex topic.
For further information on the changes that happen on Janury 1st 2021, and on what you may do to prepare, contact the Fieldfisher Brexit Taskforce
Navigating EU Retained Law
At the end of the 'transition period', EU law as it applied to the UK will be saved and turned into domestic law. That encompasses direct EU legislation, the regulations that flowed into domestic law and domestic legislation that implemented EU law. Together this forms a new body of law in the UK's legal system called, Retained EU law.The video below explains very clearly what is a very complex topic.
For further information on the changes that happen on Janury 1st 2021, and on what you may do to prepare, contact the Fieldfisher Brexit Taskforce