In Amsterdam we operate by Fieldfisher N.V., a limited liability company established under the laws of the Netherlands whose principal office is Amsteldijk 220, 1079LK, Amsterdam. Fieldfisher N.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce, number 67983758, and offers professional services as advocaten and civil law notaries (notarissen). Fieldfisher N.V. is a member of Fieldfisher Global, a Swiss Verein. Fieldfisher Global does not provide legal or any other services to clients. Each Fieldfisher Global Verein member accepts liability for the services it provides. Unless explicit written agreement is given no Fieldfisher Verein member is responsible for the errors or omissions of, nor has the authority to obligate or otherwise bind any other Fieldfisher Global Verein member or any member of the Fieldfisher network.
Fieldfisher N.V. is registered for VAT purposes in The Netherlands under VAT registration number: NL 8572.53.074.B.01
Terms of Business
A copy of the Fieldfisher N.V. terms and conditions can be downloaded here English / Dutch. A printed copy will be provided on request.
Complaints Procedure
If a client wishes to make a complaint, a copy of the Fieldfisher N.V. Complaints Handling Procedure can be downloaded English / Dutch.
Third Party Bank Account details
Advocatuur: NL86ABNA0245969284 t.n.v. Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Fieldfisher
Notariaat: NL52ABNA0245991042 t.n.v. Fieldfisher N.V. inzake derdengelden Notariaat