Asociaciones de consumidores y abogados recomiendan reclamar el IRPF de la prestación de maternidad (en catalán) | Fieldfisher
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Lawyers and consumer associations recommend to claim maternity benefitsthe of income tax in Spain (in catalan)




TV3 - Telenotícies

The following video is in catalan and it reviews: The Court of Justice of Madrid has opened the door to claim a refund of income tax in Spain on maternity benefit. A month ago it became known that the ruling forced the Treasury to return more than $ 3,000 to the applicant, but this case does not create any jurisprudence. Therefore, consumer associations, lawyers and unions are moving to advise people who have had children the past four years: they know that the procedures are long and heavy and it could be discouraging. There are more than one million 300 thousand women in Spain who received maternity benefit since 2012, and Catalonia, it could accommodate more than 230,000.

Go here to see TV3 alacarta piece of news.