General strike in Catalonia: 18 October 2019 | Fieldfisher
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General strike in Catalonia: 18 October 2019




As it has been announced in the media, Intersindical – Confederació Sindical Catalana and Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya have called for a general strike this 18 October 2019, from 0.00 to 24.00 hours. Therefore, all employees of private companies with workplaces in Catalonia can take part in that industrial action. It also extends to certain professionals in the public sector.

Regarding the wage discount applicable to the employees who go on strike, it is necessary to consider that it affects the base salary and allowances of the employees, as well as the proportional part of their weekly rest days. In connection with this, non-prorated extraordinary payments if applied are also affected, but the discount takes place at the time of payment of each of these payments.

Please note that employees do not have a duty to inform whether or not they intend to go on strike. However, if the services of the company require certainty about the number of employees who render services, an internal communication for the employees can be issued requesting them confirmation on whether or not they plan to go on strike. Due to the sensitive nature of this communication, we recommend to review that its message is clear and that it is limited to express the organizational needs of the company, expressly stating that confirmation of absence is not mandatory and that the purpose of such information is the organization of services during that day.

It is highly recommended to avoid other type of general statements from the Management of the Company regarding the strike, especially in the case of workplaces with employee representatives or union members.

We use this opportunity to inform that there are no other strikes called for this week in Catalonia, any demonstrations that may take place up to 18 October 2019 are not protected by the Right to Strike. Thus, unjustified absences, delays and/or departures that may take place until that date, should be dealt with in accordance with the ordinary policies of each company for these situations.

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