I have wide-ranging planning experience in commercial and residential development schemes and have taken responsibility for the project management of major inquiries, conducted several judicial review proceedings, drafted and negotiated numerous planning and highways agreements of varying complexity and value, undertaken due diligence on major transactions and provided general advice on various planning related issues to internal and external clients.
I have provided due diligence advice on multi-property transactions including the portfolio purchases of former car showrooms and bowling alleys and Advised on planning application documentation, including EIA, transport assessment and travel plans for clients in relation to distribution schemes including major sites in Andover, Thurrock, Ridgeway, Swindon and West Durrington.
I am good at identifying legal solutions to complex strategic sites and guiding clients in a user friendly way.
My published quotes from clients include the following quotes in Chambers & Partners 2018/19, "She's amazing with people," adding: "Clients absolutely love her. She's extremely grounded, engaging and persuasive."
I have worked with national housebuilders to deliver housing on strategic housing sites advising at the early stages, planning inquiry and progressing section 106 agreements. I have also acted for clients in relation to judicial review proceedings and high court challenges including cases relating to the exercise of compulsory purchase powers, permitted development rights for telecommunications apparatus, planning conditions and Environmental Impact Assessment and the correct application of national nature conservation policy.
Notable judicial review and high court challenge cases
R (on the application of Argos Limited) v Birmingham City Council [2011] acting for Argos in relation to claim relating to the exercise of compulsory purchase powers.
R (on the application of Walsall Metropolitan Council) v Vodafone [2012] successfully acting for Vodafone on permitted development rights for telecommunications apparatus.
R (on the application of Buglife: The Invertebrate Conservation Trust) v Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation [2008] successfully defending judicial review proceedings brought by a claimant in relation to EIA and the correct application of national nature conservation policy.
Representing and advising private clients in relation to the Wednesbury to Brierley Hill Metro extension.
Acting for a consortium of developers in respect of a circa 700 unit residential scheme at the former Derbyshire Royal Infirmary which included provision for the protection of listed buildings.
Acting for the Co Op Group on a 300 unit residential scheme in Leicestershire securing the agreement of the Local Planning Authority and Highway Authority to a phased approach to the planning obligations and advising on whether the planning obligations were compliant with regulation 122 of the CIL regulations.
Acting for Cherwell District Council at a CPO inquiry for the redevelopment of Bicester Town Centre, where objectors included Tesco and statutory undertakers.
Acting for Taylor Wimpey in relation to the development of 800 residential units at Ridgeway, West Swindon, including instructing Counsel, liaising with witnesses and negotiating the associated planning agreement.
Acting for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets in relation to their CPO in respect of the ‘Ocean Estate’ and progressing various compromise agreements.
Acting for Derbyshire County Council and Staffordshire County Council on the delivery of a by-pass across both administrative areas requiring a CPO, Indemnity Agreement and detailed highway agreement.
Acting for RWE npower at a joint planning inquiry in relation to five major residential sites within Derbyshire including instructing Counsel, liaising with witnesses and negotiating the associated planning agreement.
In my spare time I practice and teach yoga.
What others say…
She's amazing with people ... Clients absolutely love her. She's extremely grounded, engaging and persuasive