Health and safety fines bulletin: 10 January 2019 | Fieldfisher
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Health and safety fines bulletin: 10 January 2019

A round-up of recent fines and costs resulting from health and safety related incidents. For further information on any of these matters please contact Andrew Sanderson or Elliott Kenton of our Health and Safety Group.

Health and safety fines

In decreasing fine order

NHS Trust fined after two employees stabbed

Injury:  Two workers received multiple stab wounds
Fine: £300,000
Entity: NHS Oxleas Foundation Trust
Legislation: Section 2(1) and 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act
Costs: £28,000
Source:  HSE, 20 December 2018

Network Rail fined £200,000 following level crossing accident

Injury:  Life changing injuries
Fine: £200,000
Entity: Network Rail
Legislation: Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and section 33 (1)(c) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. The jury failed to reach a verdict on a second count under the Health and Safety at work etc. Act 1974 section 2(1)(a) and 33(1)(a).
Costs: £86,000
Source:  ORR, 13 December 2018

Demolition contractor fined after workers fall from excavator

Injury:  One worker suffered a broken back and the other sustained a fractured skull.
Fine: £134,000
Entity: Cheshire Demolition and Excavation Contractors Limited
Legislation: Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Costs: £6,303.04
Source:  HSE, 20 December 2018

Care Home fined when worker severely injured after falling down a lift shaft

Injury:  Severe injuries
Fine: £50,000
Entity: Woodbay Limited
Legislation: Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act  1974
Costs: None noted
Source:  HSE, 17 December 2018

Company fined after asbestos containing materials were released

Injury:  None; fine for not carrying out correct control measures and safe working practices
Fine: £4,000
Entity: City Building (Glasgow) LLP
Legislation: Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Costs: None noted
Source:  HSE, 21 December 2018

A round-up of recent fines and costs resulting from health and safety related incidents. For further information on any of these matters please contact Andrew Sanderson of our Health and Safety Group.