Legal Opinions on Electronic Signatures
The Portal contains simplified summaries of the E-Contract Opinions as they apply to certain ISDA documentation and provides our view on whether the conclusions in those opinions should apply equally to other forms of documentation for financial transactions.
In view of the current global lockdowns which are in place we are conscious that market practice has been quickly evolving so we have also included some practice notes and recent developments where we are aware of these.
The Portal is currently available free to ISDA members through a simple user access mechanism. We think you will find the Portal easy and intuitive to use.
Please note that this Portal and the Jurisdictional tables are our interpretation of the E-Contract Opinions only. Local counsel who issued the E-Contract Opinions have not approved our Jurisdictional tables and by summarising them, we are not ourselves verifying or confirming the E-Contract Opinions.
The E-Contract Opinions are addressed to ISDA solely for the benefit of its members in relation to their use of the Master Agreements and should not be relied on by other persons. The E-Contract Opinions belong to ISDA which is why only ISDA members may use this Portal. Accordingly users of this Portal are required to agree not to distribute the contents of the E-Contract Opinions or this Portal to anyone outside their member firm.
ISDA is a registered trademark of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. This Portal is not a product which has been authorised or approved by ISDA.