Domain Names | Fieldfisher
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Domain Names

A strong online presence is essential for most modern businesses. It's the shop window, reception desk, and front of house all rolled into one, and the domain name is the business calling card.

Close-up view of a computer screen displaying a web address bar with a lock icon next to "https://", indicating a secure website connection. The image has a pixelated, colorful overlay, primarily in shades of blue and purple.

We understand that clear, communicable domain names are an essential tool for advertising a business and communicating with its customer base. Unfortunately, less well-meaning individuals and organisations understand this too. We've advised many clients in actions to recover domain names registered abusively by third parties hoping to disrupt their clear communication with customers, whether to divert traffic or simply extract a cash payment.

Notable deals and highlights

  • Our team acted for Turkish online travel agent MetGlobal in cross-border trade mark and passing off litigation, relating to the ownership and use of a domain name in a situation where businesses using similar trade marks in different jurisdictions clashed in cyberspace.
  • We designed and implemented the worldwide domain name registration and enforcement strategy for a global professional services business, including advising on the newly available top-level domain system and the Trade mark Clearinghouse.
  • We acted for EURiD, the .eu domain registry, in numerous disputes relating to the sunrise period for the new TLD.
  • We have acted for numerous clients in successful YDRP and Nominet DRS proceedings.

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