The European Council which met last week in Brussels and has endorsed the Digital Single Market framework.In particular the European Council has agreed that:- the Telecommunications Single Market
The European Council which met last week in Brussels and has endorsed the Digital Single Market framework.
In particular the European Council has agreed that:
It was also agreed that action must be taken on:
The current Vice-President for the European Commission for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, has welcomed these conclusions, but was also clear that the hard work was not over yet. Of note agreement is still to be reached on the scaled down Telecoms Single Market proposals (covering roaming and net neutrality), and in Ansip's view, "without progress in this area, we cannot have much progress in building a DSM".
Whilst the conclusions of the European Council will no doubt help the momentum of the #DigitalSingleMarket reforms, as we have previously commented, actual progress continues to play out at analogue speed. With the "digital baton" of the EU Presidency passing from Latvia to Luxembourg tomorrow and consultations having commenced, we will continue to monitor and keep you updated on the #DigitalSingleMarket reforms.
In particular the European Council has agreed that:
- the Telecommunications Single Market Regulation, including roaming (a topic I have previously blogged on) and Directive on Network and Information Security must be rapidly adopted; and
- the Data Protection Package must be adopted by the end of this year.
It was also agreed that action must be taken on:
- removing the remaining barriers to the free circulation of goods and services sold on-line and tackling unjustified discrimination on the grounds of geographical location;
- guaranteeing the portability and facilitating cross-border access to online material protection copyright, whilst ensuring IP rights;
- ensuring effective investment instruments and improve the innovation climate;
- identifying and delivering on key ICT standardisation priorities;
- ensuring free flow of data;
- assessing the role of on-line platforms and intermediaries;
- improving digital skills; and
- encouraging e-government.
The current Vice-President for the European Commission for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, has welcomed these conclusions, but was also clear that the hard work was not over yet. Of note agreement is still to be reached on the scaled down Telecoms Single Market proposals (covering roaming and net neutrality), and in Ansip's view, "without progress in this area, we cannot have much progress in building a DSM".
Whilst the conclusions of the European Council will no doubt help the momentum of the #DigitalSingleMarket reforms, as we have previously commented, actual progress continues to play out at analogue speed. With the "digital baton" of the EU Presidency passing from Latvia to Luxembourg tomorrow and consultations having commenced, we will continue to monitor and keep you updated on the #DigitalSingleMarket reforms.