Charity Update - 25 November 2021 | Fieldfisher
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Charity Update - 25 November 2021

Neil Palmer
A group of diverse people standing in a circle place their hands on top of each other in the center, symbolizing unity and teamwork. The hands vary in skin tones and clothing styles, representing inclusivity and collaboration. The background is a light-colored floor.


United Kingdom

Welcome to this edition of our Charity Update. Please click on the links to find out more about the important topics below. Whatever your involvement with charities, whether as a charity trustee who wants to keep themselves informed or otherwise, we trust you find this interesting and helpful.

Neil Palmer

18 November 2021

8 out of 10 charities are without a net zero target 

84% of charities surveyed by the Charity Finance Group said that they do not yet have a net zero objective with only 14% saying they currently report on their carbon emissions. Read more here.

Charity Finance Group

17 November 2021

Safeguarding for Charities and Trustees

The Charity Commission has published guidance to remind charities about their safeguarding responsibilities. It proposes 5 key steps. Read about them here.

Charity Commission

17 November 2021

Lawworks launches Pro Bono Portal UK 

Lawworks, the pro bono legal advice charity, has set up a platform to connect lawyers with pro bono opportunities. Read more here.


16 November 2021

Final round of Tampon Tax Funding is announced, 14 charities to receive grants 

Thousands of women and girls are set to benefit, as the final round of the £11.25 million fund is shared out. Women in Sport, Tommy’s and Imkaan are among those receiving grants.

Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport

11 November 2021

Privy council makes rare Order to confer exempt charity status on new university

The Exempt Charities Order 2021 (SI 2021/1260) states TEDI-London (a new university specialising in engineering) is an exempt charity. This means that the university does not need to register with the Charity Commission and is exempt from its regulation.

11 November 2021

Statutory Inquiry launched into Moss Side and Hulme Community Development Trust

The latest inquiry will examine the extent the trustees are complying with their legal duties, their compliance with the s.84 Charities Act order (which required the trustees to appoint additional trustees and hold an AGM amongst other things) and previously issued regulatory guidance. This follows on from an earlier 2018 inquiry.

Charity Commission

Areas of Expertise

Private Client