Welcome to the latest issue of Fieldfisher's Charity Update.
This issue emphasises the importance of working together to increase the benefit of charity to society. It brings you the Charity Commission Chair's message that charities "can all help to improve lives and strengthen society", a report on voluntary organisations delivering services in collaboration and the NCVO's future offering. Other articles provide different perspectives on the state of charity finances..
Neil Palmer
8 February 2021
OSCR prepare to launch a "Revitalising Trusts" project
The Scottish Charity Regulator and Foundation Scotland are preparing to launch the 'Revitalising Trusts' project. The aim is to identify inactive charitable trusts and support them to reactivate.
5 February 2021
Resilience and Recovery Loan Fund surpasses £20 million in total funding approved
The RRLF is a £25m fund for charities and social enterprises that are struggling to carry out their services as a result of COVID-19. To date, the RRLF has approved funding of over £20m to 57 charities and social enterprises.
Social Investment Business
4 February 2021
Baroness Stowell makes speech regarding the unifying force of charity
Baroness Stowell highlights the power of charity as a unifying force, and the importance of understanding the views of others to build a stronger society. Read the speech in full.
The Charity Commission
4 February 2021
Fundraising Regulator publishes its latest Annual Report and Accounts
The report highlights how the regulator reprioritised its work and produced more guidance amid the challenges facing the sector due to COVID-19. You can also read a summary of the annual review here.
Fundraising Regulator
4 February 2021
Latest COVID-19 Charity Tracker Report shows winter income drop likely to amount to at least £200 million
COVID-19 restrictions to events and charity shops drove a steep drop in fundraising income over the final months of 2020. This latest blow to charity finances has left the sector warning about further cuts to both jobs and services. See the latest report here.
Charity Finance Group
4 February 2021
NCVO announces new long-term goals after a 12 month strategic planning process
NCVO has outlined its plans for its future offer to members based on insights gathered by listening to over 900 stakeholders. The NCVO has also considered the impact of COVID-19 on the organisation and its members. Read the plans here.
3 February 2021
"Rebalancing the Relationship"- a new report on charity collaboration
Rebalancing the Relationship highlights the ways in which voluntary organisations can collaborate in the competitive commissioning environment. The research found examples of positive collaborative behaviours, however it also explores instances of trust being corroded between charities.
NCVO, ACEVO and Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales