Fieldfisher space investment webinar: Confident outlook for space business investment in UK/Europe | Fieldfisher
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Fieldfisher space investment webinar: Confident outlook for space business investment in UK and Europe

John Worthy
A digital rendering of a starry night sky with interconnected nodes and lines forming a network pattern on the left. Several numerical values are scattered throughout the image against a dark backdrop, creating an impression of data points or constellations.


United Kingdom

According to the Fieldfisher webinar "Driving space business in a changing world: Finance, investment and M&A", confidence in the future trend line of investment in the sector is riding high.

Poll results from our recent webinar show strong confidence in the future of investment in the space sector. A resounding 76% of delegates expect growth in the volume of investment and M&A deals for satellite and space in the UK & EU over the next 12-24 months.

The results also shed light on the subsectors which are likely to attract near term finance support. Given the strong representation of delegates across the industry and investor communities, the findings show a positive picture of the way ahead for the UK and European space sector. Only 6% predict shrinkage, with 18% expecting the investment path to stay largely the same. With delegates drawn from industry and investor communities, these figures demonstrate a strong conviction about the future.

Drilling down to the key domains of the UK/European space sector which delegates most expect to attract investment over the next 2 years, the results were also insightful. The league table panned out:

Note: this selection is based on a choice of up to 2 sectors. Thus, totals exceed 100%

Our expert panel debated the findings and added their own perspectives on some of the key issues facing the industry, from the impact of COVID-19 and the developments in technology and customer expectations, to the way these factors are influencing both investors and investees are engaging with current finance transactions. With special thanks to our panel of Mark Boggett, CEO of Seraphim Capital, Stuart Martin, CEO of the Satellite Applications Catapult, Antony Northrop, CEO of NOR Capital and Tim Bird, partner at Fieldfisher, the webinar attracted widespread positive feedback from delegates from across the globe.
Chair of the webinar debate, John Worthy, head of Fieldfisher's Satellite and Space Projects group, comments: "At a time when many sectors are facing widespread uncertainty, the overwhelming views from our delegates demonstrate the high levels of confidence in the future of space business in UK and Europe. Both industry and investors will be focussed on the domains within the sector which are best placed to identify and meet customer demand for space based services and attract the investment to deliver them."

If you missed the webinar and would like to catch up by listening to the recording, please email

To read more on our webinar 'Fieldfisher webinar "Driving space business in a changing world: Financing, investment and M&A"- further comments from panellists', please see here