Insolvenzrechtliche Compliance | Fieldfisher
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Insolvency Compliance

Insolvency entails significantly increased personal risks for the executive bodies of a company. At the latest then, it is important for the executive bodies to be able to prove that they (i) had implemented systems to identify the crisis in good time, (ii) reacted correctly to the signs of the crisis, (iii) fulfilled their obligations to file for insolvency in good time and (iv) recognised and fulfilled all other legal and tax obligations.

A close-up view of a pile of scattered rectangular wooden blocks on a surface. The blocks are of various lengths and widths and are stacked haphazardly, with a soft purple hue illuminating the scene. The background is blurry, emphasizing the foreground focus.

Do not stress

In the event of a crisis without insolvency, the executive bodies must have a sufficient overview of the current and future economic situation of the company and make comprehensible forecast decisions, especially in order to avoid unnecessary insolvency. This also includes the analysis of existing financing and corresponding covenants and other contracts.

The need for advice for the executive bodies of companies in crisis and in view of a possible crisis is enormous and helps to avoid liability risks (which may be existential for the executive bodies).

The aim of the advice must be to ensure, together with the executive bodies, that they have the necessary information before and during the crisis, make comprehensible assessments, fulfil legal and contractual obligations and document this overall in such a way as to exclude personal liability.

Once security and trust have been created with the help of these measures and this knowledge, the executive bodies can navigate the company through the crisis with a cool head.