Tax | Fieldfisher
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With the growing complexity of tax regulations and the increasing pressure from the media and the tax authorities, clients are under increasing pressures. Fieldfisher Spain lawyers helps clients by providing technical skill and versatility. We advise on the tax planning state, provide ongoing advisory services, defend our clients’ interests in tax authority inspections, as well as in the administrative and litigation stages.

A close-up of a desk workspace with a striped mug, a computer keyboard, and a smartphone displaying a calculator app. A piece of paper with handwritten notes is beneath the phone. Sunlight creates lens flare effects on the image.

We advise clients in the following areas:

Business Tax

  • We provide ongoing tax advisory services to ensure strict compliance with the law while benefiting from the tax advantages established in the tax regulations
  • We advise on and managing consolidated groups
  • We advise on business acquisitions and transfers as well as business restructurings (mergers, demergers, spin-offs, and, swaps)
  • We can provide tax audits
  • We review and provide recommendations on remuneration policies for management and employees
  • We advise on transfer prices
  • We provide tax advice on real estate transactions
  • We provide tax advice on patent box intangible assignment
  • We review and help to implement corporate or contractual structures that make it possible to benefit from the advantages allowed by the tax legislation
  • We advise on the issuance of legal opinions on complex interpretation matters.

Taxation of Private Assets

  • We advise on taxation of individuals and corporate structures and assets
  • We plan and create corporate and asset structures to minimise taxation in Spain in the strictest compliance with the Law
  • We provide advice on Spanish Inheritance Tax and tax on lifetime gifts, as well as broader family taxation
  • We advise foreign individuals with assets outside Spain who become residents of Spain.

International Taxation

  • We advise on fiscal planning for foreign business investments and structures in Spain, as well as Spanish business investments and structures abroad
  • We advise on the creation of Spanish holding companies
  • We assist on the application of conventions for the avoidance of international double taxation
  • And we provide fiscal planning for expatriates and foreign workers posted in Spain.

Tax Inspections and Proceedings

  • We provide legal counsel on Tax Administration audits and inspections
  • We advise and manage tax proceedings brought by taxpayers against the Administration
  • We also advise on economic-administrative claims and appeals.