I have significant domestic and international experience advising on commercial deals across the technology, telecommunications and financial services sectors. Examples of my recent experience include:
- Advising a global telecommunications services provider on tower services arrangements between its operating companies and newly carved out tower companies in seven jurisdictions across Europe.*
- Advising a global telecommunications services provider on tower services arrangements in connection with the sale of its mobile towers businesses in five jurisdictions across Europe to a large third party independent infrastructure services provider.*
- Advising a multinational infrastructure service provider on a consortium subsea cable project, including the build and related landing services arrangements, which will provide critical additional capacity for the members.
- Advising a data centre operator on a significant data centre services deal with a major cloud services provider.
- Advising a major infrastructure services provider in connection with a £700m debt re-financing, including reporting on its complex customer relationships.
*denotes experience at previous employer.