Workplace Investigations | Fieldfisher
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Workplace investigations

Most employers will, at one point or another, have to carry out a workplace investigation, whether in response to a grievance, a whistleblowing report, or a concern about an employee's conduct. Our employment specialists are highly experienced in supporting workplace investigations, facilitating independent investigation by specialist investigators or barristers and carrying out investigations on our clients' behalf. We work seamlessly with experts from across the firm to ensure that disruption to your business is minimised and to help you to resolve issues, working within the legal framework and your workplace policies

A man in a suit and red tie stands with arms crossed, superimposed with an image of a city skyline and a bridge. The image blends urban elements with the businessman's figure, creating a composite of professional and metropolitan themes.

We partner with HR and legal teams from the outset to create an appropriate management strategy and investigation plan which gets to the heart of an issue, minimises disruption to teams and to the wider business and manages risk in relation to possible future disputes.

Where investigations are carried out internally, we offer flexible support depending on your needs. This ranges from hands-on support, including preparing investigation plans, witness lists and scripts, to acting as a sounding board to give you the confidence that you have considered every key avenue of enquiry.

Where an external investigation is more appropriate, we will either carry this out for you (for example where you are looking for an investigation to be carried out under privilege), or we will facilitate investigation by an external party. We have a strong network of barristers with experience managing investigations, and will work closely with them to ensure a seamless process.

We take a pragmatic and proportionate approach and we help you scope investigations in a way that covers key issues without getting lost in the detail. Drawing on our wider practice, including our litigation experience, we spot key pitfalls and issues and cover these off pre-emptively.

Often, investigations will bring into play different legal frameworks, including data protection, regulatory and criminal law. Increasingly, we are also seeing investigations with cross-border elements. In these cases, we are able to leverage expertise from across the firm as well as our network of specialist employment colleagues across Europe and partners in "best friends" firms globally to deliver seamless, integrated support with a single point of contact.