I have expertise in the development and implementation of brand protection strategies. This includes the early stages (pre-filing advice, availability of trade marks per territory and identifying issues and opportunities), filing and prosecution, and handling and negotiating registry or third party objections. I regularly bring and defend pre- and post-registration challenges (including opposition, revocation and invalidity actions). I have wide experience of handling and negotiating co-existence agreements, whether country specific or worldwide.
I understand how trade mark and brand issues fit within a wider commercial picture; advising on the enforcement of trade mark and design rights as well being involved in licensing and franchising issues. I advise clients in relation to enforcement and policing strategies and developing internal policy documents concerning trade mark use and ownership.
I take real pride in protecting client's brands and get tremendous satisfaction out of being part of a client's team and having a common goal: to protect their brand and maximise its potential.
My clients range from high end fashion to professional services; from vineyards to sushi restaurants, fruit farms to luxury handbags.
I write regularly for our SnIPpets blog. I have spoken several times at Queen Mary University of London and have led undergraduate discussions on relating academic IP principles to real commercial scenarios.
I work with some very high profile businesses and the thrill of seeing a product for sale or services advertised and thinking 'I helped put that there' does not fade.
In my spare time I like to watch films and enjoy being outdoors, ideally on or in water.