Criminal Law | Fieldfisher
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Criminal Law

At Fieldfisher Spain we provide legal advice and defense counsel in criminal matters (defense or, when applicable, private prosecution), specialising in economic criminal law.

A group of people walking through a futuristic, curved hallway with a modern design and soft lighting. The walls and ceiling feature sleek, black lines and a cool, blue-toned color scheme. The image has a sense of motion, with figures slightly blurred.

We offer a comprehensive and personalised legal advice service to all our clients, handling their consultations, advising them and supporting them in the design of legal defense strategies in criminal matters. Our extensive experience in the design and implementation of criminal compliance programmes means the advice we give to clients is highly practical. 

Our advice covers: 

  • Falsification
  • Crimes against workers' rights
  • Crimes against public administration
  • Criminal and civil protection of the right to honour
  • Crimes against property
  • Crimes of punishable insolvencies and uprisings of goods
  • Corporate crime
  • Crimes against public finances and social insurance
  • Crimes against intellectual and industrial property
  • Crimes against the market and consumers