Why choose our M&A lawyers?
We combine legal expertise with experience and a broad knowledge of the industry. We have experience in a wide range of sectors, including finance, energy and regulated sectors such as technology, media, e-Commerce and life sciences.
The international structure of our offices enables us to provide integrated cross-border transaction advice in all major economic centres, and offer our clients a co-ordinating point of contact for all relevant legal systems. Thanks to our multinational focus, we have a deep understanding of local market customs and cultural differences and include them in our legal advice.
Before we start with a transaction, we intensively deal with your business policy background and the associated economic requirements. The purchase or sale of companies or parts of companies can entail considerable liability risks for all parties involved. On the one hand, liability risks for the potential transaction partners arise from the "whether" of the transaction, in which entrepreneurial discretion must be exercised in accordance with the company's duties.
On the other hand, they result from the "how" of the transaction, in which violations of legal and contractual obligations (e.g. confidentiality obligations, money laundering, antitrust and competition regulations) must be avoided and contractual structures must be implemented with as few risks as possible.
Throughout the entire transaction process - from deal structuring, due diligence and contract negotiations to closing - we always keep an eye on your operational and economic goals as well as on the legally secure design.
In a constant exchange with our clients, we are concerned with the highest possible transparency. We always tailor our advice to the volume and the geographical and industry focus of the companies involved in order to develop the most cost-efficient solutions for you.
The various specialist areas within our firm ensure that the necessary support is available at all times, if required. This includes special issues such as banking, labour and real estate law, intellectual property, IT, data protection or supervisory law as well as competition and antitrust law.
Deals and Highlights
- GHGT – Advised CSIC Longjiang GH Gas Turbine Co, LTD (GHGT) on the purchase of the gas turbine business from MAN Energy Solutions SE, advising on the purchase agreement, employment law, antitrust law and public law across the offices in Shanghai, Düsseldorf and Munich. [Press release]
ONE Group –
Advising on private equity transaction in the e-commerce market on the
acquisition of marmalade GmbH and Makaira GmbH [Press release (in German)]
- Nuremberg
Institute for Market Decisions - Advising on the completion of the merger of NielsenIQ and GfK [Press release]
- Sonova AG – Assisting on the acquisition of the consumer electronics business of Sennheiser and the related worldwide carve-out activities, including tax advise. [Press release]
- ECOMMERCE ONE Group Intersect ENT, Inc. – Assisting the NASDAQ listed MedTech company in its EUR 60m acquisition of Fiagon in Berlin, together with regulatory, tax DD and tax structuring and negotiating and drafting USD 60m finance agreements with Deerfield. [Press release]